Monday, November 06, 2006


One of the things I can't stand is the view point that if you are a conservative you need to vote for Mike Dewine over Sherrod Brown even though Dewine is a "moderate"... whatever that means. Anything else would be a wasted vote.

The fact of the matter is I consider any vote for Mike Dewine a wasted vote. He knows full and well that conservatives would never abandon him when push comes to shove. But as far as I'm concerned he abandoned us. Quite honestly, I don't really know how the voting would be much different if we had Celeste, Metzenbaum and Glenn v. Taft, Voinovich and Dewine.

Dewine's ANWAR vote was the final straw for me. Who exactly was he catering to on that vote?

I know most people think that not voting for Dewine threatens Senate leadership and potential Court appointees. I say that it's time that conservatives send the message "Conservatives win", moderates can be Democrats and lose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds similar to the line of thought employed by Perot voters back in '92.

1. D's will take the House.
2. R's will hold the Senate easily.
3. Strickland will restore e-check.