Friday, January 12, 2007

School Choice

A few years ago a friend of mine was lecturing me about how vouchers were a bad idea and if we wanted to improve education we needed to increase spending on public education.

We went round and round about allowing poor people put their kids in schools that can address their child's particular needs. He stuck to his beliefs to the end...... No school choice.

A few days later, I kicked up the discussion again. Since he had no kids I asked him if he would put his kids in CPS or the Catholic school in the neighborhood even though he wasn't Catholic. His response "When I have kids I'll be moving to the suburbs".

That's the hypocrisy for the anti choice folks, they're for school choice for themselves, it's called the suburbs, but screw choice for the poor family. If you are affluent, you already have the ability to choose your neighborhood, your schools, your work commute. If you're poor you don't have those options.

Here's a list of the real estate cost for each $100,000 of residential value for each school district in Hamilton County.

I'm not the smartest guy on the planet but when I see in the news a higher percentage of public school teachers send their kids to private schools than the general population, I have to wonder why.

It's another way liberalism holds people down... the very people they say they want to help.

Another friend who was more honest about the whole school choice issue. His kids were attending private schools and his opinion was, "I'm against vouchers because I don't want any of those kids in my kids' schools and I'm willing to pay to keep it from happening."

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