Friday, April 13, 2007

Bridge to Nowhere?

Here's an article about the replacing the Brent Spence Bridge in Cincinnati.

If you not from the area it's the I-75 bridge that crosses the Ohio river and is in sore need of replacement.

One of the things holding up the construction of the bridge is simply how the government is going to pay for the bridge.

I've got an idea for you. How about paying for it with the 35 cent per gallon excise tax the feds and state already slap on a gallon of gas. You know the excise tax on gas that's supposed to be used on these types of projects.

Somehow, the feds have no problems coming up with a few billion on a bridge in Alaska that services about 100 cars a day.

This bridge might be one of the most vital in the US. Without this bridge, how are businesses going to be able to leave Michigan and Ohio and move to Tennessee and Georgia?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blow up the bridge... have all the traffic use the Anderson ferry instead.