Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bush Haters

Why is W hated so much?

George Bush is not a very popular fellow. What is it about Bush that evokes such furor?

Let's start with the hard left, whether in Hollywood or the blogosphere, or among the academic elite. They hate George Bush. To them, his tax cuts, alliance with the religious right, opposition to abortion and gay marriage, and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq foster the image of an illiberal imperial America. His strut and mangling of words are more salt in their wounds.


1 comment:

Brian said...

I think a lot of it has to do with their inability to think rationally. Aside from the war, the guy has been fairly to the left concerning the republican agenda. But they, the left, become entirely irrational when anyone is not in lock step with their socialist agenda. Just look at how they attack their own when one strays outside their little box.

I think we waste too much time trying to figure out why the leftist hate the President so much. I think we need to concentrate on moving the country toward liberty and freedom, so as to counter the leftist effort.