Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Blue City - Red Lights

I'm not the smartest guy in the world but I always follow and emulate what the smartest guys in the world are doing.

So if I'm a city of Cincinnati Council member, I'm looking at what the suburbs are doing because they must be doing something right. After all, everyone's leaving my city for the 'burbs.

But it's clear that Cincinnati Clowncil members are dumbasses. You know why? They continue to do things that none of the suburbs are doing and wonder why people continue to leave.

Case in point. Just like all other urban centers, the city of Cincinnati is looking to install red light cameras to generate revenue for the budget. Now ask yourself this question... Do these cameras make it more likely or less likely for people to reside and/or do business in your city? Then ask yourself, what are the suburbs doing?

West Chester - red light cameras? Nope.
Mason - human rights ordinance? Nada.
Sycamore Twp. - earnings tax? negative.
Loveland - prevailing wage? sorry
Green Twp. - trans fat ban? Not there yet.

In fact, suburbs do none of this stupid crap which is why people are flocking to them in droves.

Once again, I throw out this map of the Kerry/Bush race by county.

While I do not have specific statistics, I think we can all agree on the following....

The Blue Counties are largely urban areas run by democrats; Red counties are largely suburban and/or rural areas run by republicans.

Urban areas have more crime, poorer schools, higher taxes, bad infrastructure, & lower standard of living.

Rural/suburban areas have less crime, better schools, lower taxes, better infrastructure and a higher standard of living.

I challenge all liberals. You tell me. Who's doing a better job of governing their respective constituency?


Anonymous said...

That's why the liberals want to take all their crap national. They want to make it impossible to escape their programs. They know if their programs are optional people will opt out. If they tie their programs to geography, people will move out (as your map shows).

So the only option left is to make it illegal to opt out and impossible to move out. Watch out America This is no joke.

Brian said...


If you examine the federal budget, minus defense, you’ll note that the majority of money we are taxed against goes to the blue places. The bottom-line is that the red areas are paying taxes so the blue areas can continue to live the way they choose verses the way the rest of the country does. Pull the money from these areas and watch how fast that map goes completely red.

Brian said...

Another thing I noticed is that those areas that are close to the southern border and are centers of Hispanic concentrations are blue. A word to the RNC, Hispanics might not be group we want to go after. Could it be that Bush is wrong republicans?