Monday, December 17, 2007

Huck the Huckster

An interesting piece on Mike Huckbee from the American Thinker

When evangelicals embraced Jimmy Carter during the 1976 presidential campaign, they didn't know he would repudiate the Southern Baptist Convention a generation later. Today the very same constituency has glommed onto Mike Huckabee, and I can't help but lament how history truly does repeat itself.

One can see why the man I dubbed "Huck the Huckster" would appeal to evangelicals. He's a pro-life Southern Baptist minister with charm, wit and a good-ol'-boy, yuck-it-up style. Yet this resplendent exterior only serves to obscure the stain of liberal sin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


With the risk of offending, which I’ll accept the risk, evangelicals have to start using that brain God gave them. These folks are hell bent time and time again to get their own “Pope” into the White House that they never stop to delve into the person they plan to elect (Wallace, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Bush the Younger for example).

This fact was made painfully clear to me when the evangelical minister in Iowa sent out the email to his followers telling them they should vote for Huckabee because he was an evangelical and not for Brownback because he was a Catholic. To anyone with half a brain and a little common sense should have seen that Brownback espoused and practiced “Conservative” and “Christian” norms, where as Huckabee was a facsimile of the liberal democrat. It should also be noted that this was about the time that Huckabee started to rise in the polls. It appears religion trumps common sense in Evangelicals.