Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Progressives" part two

"conservatives" are for status quo while "progressives" are for progress. I can live with that definition.

This is the comment (from a liberal I'm guessing) that perfectly illustrates my earlier post on "progressives".

How is it that spending more money and energy on the same old tired programs that have already proven themselves to be ineffective is considered "progressive" on any level?

How can you call what's happening in Cuyahoga County "progress"?

Look at any inner city, dominated by "progressive" thought. Do they look like the models of "progress"?

One could say conservatives are for status quo? I would counter conservatives are for effective? And just like I pointed out in my post Blue City Red Lights, people are not flocking to those areas dominated by "progressive" leadership; they're leaving. Wouldn't you think people would love living in a "progressive" place?

Maybe they just prefer effective.


Anonymous said...

Any objective observer would see that liberalism has *become* the establishment. They are no longer the revolutionaries. Democrats are the new fat cats; corporate barons of yesteryear are today's socialists. They take the form of lawyers and bureaucrats running the government machine that sucks up the vast majority of the potential of this country.

Progressive thought in 2008 is not the '60's This is not your fathers social movement.

Anonymous said...

"'conservatives' are for status quo while "progressives" are for progress. I can live with that definition."

I'm sure it was a liberal that said that. If you were to ask a 60's revolutionary what progressive means, they'd say, "It's the society we would like to have in 30 or 40 years after the Great Society's effects have been realized."

So, once we reach that point, the status quo would be a good thing right? Well here we are. Now that we've reached utiopia, do the progressives want status quo? No. According to the entire democratic party and the rest of the progressivist machine, we need to make an even bigger effort to "progress" away from the result of the Great Society.

That's the point. Liberalism/socialism is the *real* status quo. The worst kind of status quo: Never ending failure, no recognition of said failure, never any attempt to correct said failure, and whose only solution to said failure is to outlaw the remainder of people who refuse to partake in said failure.