Thursday, February 21, 2008

McCain v NY Times

I don't have time to go through everything that's wrong with the Times piece. Especially when the other bloggers have great takes on it. ( NixGuy, Paindealer, Riehl World, Darke GOP)

Regardless, I do have some points on the piece

1) This qualifies as "journalism"? I've seen better, in depth, pieces on My Space.

2) Wow, I'm shocked that lobbyists hang around senators offices. This is just a hunch, but you probably won't find a tobacco lobbyist hanging around a anti smoking zealot's office. Lobbyists hang around to pols sympathetic to their cause. That's no surprise to anyone but apparently the NY Times.

3) The article mentions that aides were advised to keep her at a distance from McCain but it doesn't mentioned who issued that order. Could it have been McCain himself?

4) The article goes from this relationship to the Keating Five and back to some favors McCain did for this lobbyist. None of these things have to do with the other and the article doesn't link any of them together. It's totally a "throw some shit on the wall and let's see what sticks" piece.

5) Look I've gone back and forth on McCain and I won't support a scumbag which he would be if he was nailing this ho. But ultimately, this piece says much more about the NY Times than it does McCain.


Anonymous said...

The absolute most amazing thing about this whole episode is that barely a few weeks ago the NYT endorsed McCain in the primary. They were sitting on this "bombshell" the whole time. The news is eight years old!!! And yet the NYT knowingly endorsed a candidate that, in thier minds at least, had had a serious ethical lapse???

I didn't think the Times could become a bigger joke than it already had, but they found a way to do it. I'm convinced thay company is run by paranoid, phsycopathic, leftists on acid.

The Times had one objective in injecting political oxygen to the McCain campaign when they endorsed him. They planned all along to cut the oxygen off 3 weeks later.

How cynical and how unjournalistic can you get?

gordon gekko said...

You just said it better than I ever could.