Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Another RINO

Charles Grassley RINO, Iowa apparently believes ethanol has no relation to sky rocketing food costs.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, one of the Senate's two working farmers and a longtime ethanol booster, said he finds it hard to believe that ethanol could be "clobbered the way it's being clobbered right now" over the issue of food costs. What does the cost of corn have to do with the price of wheat or rice, he is telling people.

Chuck buddy, you are either a retard or a liar. Actually that makes you a senator by definition. Econ 102 would have taught you that when one commodity price goes up, demand will shift from that commodity to another.

When oil goes up, the price of natural gas, coal, etc also goes up.

When gold shoots up, platinum, silver and copper will also go up.

In this case, when corn goes up, demand drops for corn but increases for soy beans, oats, wheat, etc.; thus increasing prices.

Think of it this way. Corn prices go up, my Corn Chex shoot up in price, so what so I do? I start buying Wheat Chex. More people buying Wheat Chex cause the price for those to go up.

Grassley and Voinovich must share a condo together.


Anonymous said...

As much of a powerhouse economy we have in the U.S. it really is quite amazing how ignorant many citizens are regarding basic economics.

I have recently heard from three people lamenting openly on separate occasions that "With demand increasing for oil, shouldn't prices be going down?" If I were stupid enough to say something like that, I would surely be voting for democrats. Especially when they pass legislation that declares invalid those laws of economics that aren't meeting my needs.

gordon gekko said...

Public skools provide a vital function in pumping out ignorant students. It's what keeps the democrats in business.