Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Our white racist vote

One of the things that we conservatives are going to need to handle this fall is being call racist for somehow finding a way not to vote for Obama.

Never mind that he and his crew are anti-American socialists. A vote for anyone but Obamania, is a sure fire test that you are a racist.

Now, even a vote for The Billary denotes some kind of racism.
If this sounds--excuse the pun--beyond the pale, it's because it is. Or at least, it should be. But the alleged racism of white working-class voters has become, through her campaign's own actions, the last remaining rationale for Clinton's candidacy.

Are white working-class voters really racist? How many and where? If a significant number of them are, should Democrats really court them on the terms of their racism? These are questions worth asking since, apparently, a lot of Democrats think they're valid. But as long as the Clinton campaign continues to code the fact that it is counting on a base of white racist support, we'll never have this conversation. And as long as the mainstream media indulges the euphemism of "electability"--one that makes white racism seem like a personal deficiency of Barack Obama's--we'll be stuck mucking around in diffuse fears and anxieties that nobody, least of all Hillary Clinton, wants to name.

Maybe I just don't want to vote for a guy who knows what arugula is. Does that make me a racist?


Anonymous said...

The real question is what is conservative black, (and there are some) to do?

I saw a clip of a black minister tearing his ass up. I wonder who his supporters really are.

Anonymous said...

Today 90% of blacks voted for the black guy. But only 60% of whites voted for the white chick. By my math the higher propensity to vote based on just skin color alone (translated racist) seems to go to the blacks.

But we *are* talking liberal math here. Example:

a = b + c

b = 1

c = 2



See. How can you argue with that logic.