Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Are "progressives" patriotic?

Yesterday, I was running through the SOB alliance feed reading the various posts on Memorial Day.

There were many posts on Memorial Day. There were historical posts on the holiday, there were simple recognition posts (such as Midas'), but there was some sort of recognition of the holiday on almost every active SOB blog.

Out of curiosity, I thought I would check the "progressive" blogs listed at BNN. Try looking for some tribute to a soldier there. You'd have a better chance of finding a winning lottery ticket.

To their credit, Psychobilly Democrat & Pho's Akron Pages did have a nice posts but my "dark side" list? Forgetaboutit.

It's funny how these "progressive" politicians like to pretend that they're all about supporting our troops and about people of faith but when the rubber actually meets the road, we're just a bunch of gun and god clingons. And then they want to write off Obamania's 20% in Appalachia as racism.

All this reminds me of an email I got from an old fling where she told me that she didn't want me to think of her "as a thief and an idiot". As I told her "you don't want me to think of you as a thief and an idiot; don't be a thief and an idiot".

So for my fellow "progressive" brethren. You want the public to think you are supporting the troops, here's a novel idea. Try actually supporting the troops. Here's an even better idea. How about showing some deference for the people who actually died so you could spill your drivel?


Joe C. said...

No. "Progressives" are communists without the patriotism, Nazis without the nationalism, and socialists without a conscience.

gordon gekko said...

I used to believe that "progressives" wanted a better country but we're "misguided". I was once.

But the more I read these people, the more I'm convinced that they truly dislike this country and what this country stands for.