Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dear John

Dear John

I just received this email from you.
Dear Gordon,

Our Party needs to pull together, and we need to do it now.

Never in memory have the Democrats, liberal special interests groups, labor unions and unregulated "527" soft-money groups come together with so much money and so much determination toward one purpose: Defeating Republicans.......

John buddy, let me be the bearer of bad news.

First, these 527's you speak of were a direct result of a law that bears your name. Remember McCain-Feingold?

Second, for the past decade or so, I haven't received one damn email from you; not that I really want to hear from anyone associated the GOP. But for years you've made it perfectly clear that you really didn't want input from conservatives within the GOP. If you had talked to some conservatives, maybe this whole 527 mess would never have occurred.

Third, this email is like hearing from an old girl friend who dumped me 20 years ago and recently found out that I hit the lottery; all of a sudden she realizes she made a mistake? I need a shower just thinking about it.

Fourth, now you're running for president and you're thinking "wow I could use those conservatives right now". Well if you hadn't decided to piss all over us with your McCain-Feingold, immigration stance, gang of 14 nonsense maybe we conservatives would be more than willing to kick in to your campaign. Maybe...... even be willing to vote for you.

As it is, I'm not all that warm to your campaign. It's not so much that you took a vote against my conservative principles, but felt the need to insult and ridicule those principles on your way to your vote and a Newsweek cover.

And now you want my support?

Look, come November, I may punch your name on my ballot, only because the thought of people like Jane Fonda running this country makes my skin crawl.

But don't come around pretending your all buddy buddy with me just because we have a mutual hatred for socialists.

Now excuse me while I go delete your email.


Ben said...

i didnt get that email, but I get about 3-4 things in the actual postal mail from him.

for an environmentalist like him he sure is killing a lot of trees with all the garbage i get in the mail

Anonymous said...

Conservatives know there's nothing more dangerous than a republican who thinks government is the solution to most problems. That's what scares people about John McCain.

gordon gekko said...

My thought, with republicans like these... who needs republicans.