Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Monica Conyers debates school children

I'm re-posting this as the last one was deleted from you tube.

How is it that an eighth grader knows better than a council person?

If you ever why every city is the US is an arm pit you need look further than the "progressive" leadership in these cities.

Of course, how does Monica Conyers defend her actions? She's a victim since her husband (John)is investigating racism in NY.

I'll post that interview tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I cannot stand to listen to that woman. Again, I ask, do the people that voted for her not see this or are they just as disconnected as she is?

gordon gekko said...

Here's the question I always pose to liberals.

Every city in the US is run by liberals and they are all dumps.

With that said, here is the cogent question a) are the policies of liberals what turns these cities into dumps or b) are the citizens a collection of ding dongs and derelicts?

If you pick b then what does it say about the collection of wisdom that chooses liberals to govern them.


Anonymous said...

You get the government you deserve..