Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Nice finish

In what should have been a nice victory lap for Obamania and his apostles, now looks like a one armed man in a MMA (mixed martial arts) competition.

An ass kicking in SD?

Conservatives don't have a lot to look forward to right now. Oh, except we get to now vote for a liberal democrat over a marxist.

Is they're anymore women's softball to watch?


Norma said...

I think this means we have to get busy at the local level and elect some conservatives, but you almost wonder what's the point? I listen to McGore and can't imagine that's the best we could come up with. I wish there's been some real men like Hillary in our primaries.

gordon gekko said...

The main problem with true conservatism is that it's an almost unelectable message.

How do you tell somebody that "I'm going to scale back the government, you're on your own" into a sound bite that actually works for people.

It's so much easier to please the masses with a message of "i'm taking 'x' away from joe to give to you".