Thursday, June 26, 2008

Throw mama under the bus

Gateway Pundit with the latest Obamanite to bite the dust.
Oops!... There goes another one!
Wright- Pfleger- His white grandmother- Trinity Church- Muslim girls at a rally...

Now it's the Maoist hardliner's turn to be airbrushed.

Mike Klonsky, the Maoist Hardliner, Obama supporter and former best friend of the Weatherman terrorist group founders William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, received a $175,000 grant from the William Ayers/Barack Obama-led Annenberg Challenge to run the Small Schools Workshop.

Klonsky belonged to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and was best friends with William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who later became famous for their acts of terrorism when the SDS broke up and the Weathermen terror group was formed.

Between 1979 and 1981, Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (CPML) chairman and Obama supporter Mike Klonsky was repeatedly feted with state-dinner-level visits to Beijing.

Yesterday, Klonsky was posting a blog on the Obama website:

But, that was yesterday.

Today his blog was removed from the Obama website.
Comrade Klonsky is no longer with us.

Confederate Yankee with a running scoreboard on all the people with tread marks on them.

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