Friday, October 10, 2008

Why Ayers Matters

I just happened to catch a segment of Rush and he really hits the Ayers thing right on the head.

Paraphrasing, he noted that it's not enough to frame Ayers as a "domestic terrorist". Instead we need to compare Bill Ayers with Timothy McVeigh. Both are unrepentant, both sought out to destroy government institutions, both we're willing to kill innocent citizens who's only crimes we're to be American (McVeigh just killed more).

Bill Ayers was the Timothy McVeigh of his era.

Now imagine McVeigh getting off on a technicality. If he lived in your neighborhood would you associate with him? Sit on a board with him? Would you want him educating your child about the America he hates? Do you think you'd vote for some conservative candidate who did these things?

In fact, time has inoculated just how violent Ayers was. The fact that he's never publicly renounced any of his group's activities despite the impact this has had on Obama only makes his hatred of America clearer.

At first, Obama claimed he didn't know anything of Ayers activities. I could buy that since I'm Obama's age and I don't remember Ayers specifically (But I do remember Patti Hearst and the SLA).

But then Obama claims that he thought Ayers was "rehabilitated".

How could you think he was rehabilitated when you never knew of his crimes to begin with?

Was that New York Times article where Ayers was stepping on the flag? I know nothing says repentance like saying you wish you could have done more.

Once again, Obama has been surrounded by people who have been outspoken American haters. You don't hear Ayers, Pfleger, Wright ever say "I was taken out of context".

Well the context of Obama's associations is that he's an American hating marxist.


Anonymous said...

You are dead on Taxman. I've been ambivalent about all this crap. Not because I didn't think it was serious but because I didn't think attacking Obama would get us anywhere.

But now I hear that this "ethics probe" has found abuse of power on this Palin trooper issue. Now I am starting to get f***ing pissed. The crap they dig up on Palin and McCain is such small potoatos. And it is amplified 100 times by the media while giganitic holes in Obama's history go completely unexamined.

Obama associates with terrorists, supports groups like Acorn who make voting fraud a policy. Where are the 100 reporters? Where are the ethics probes? For God's sake, where is a simple statement of fact in the mainstream media, such as Obama has been a front man of a socialist organization.

I'm not saying the media should judge him. Just make these facts well known to the majority of voters (they are not). And let Americans decide.

I can't even dream of a day when Obama gets the treatment that the republicans get. What if every Holloywood star would get up on the Oscars and say something like "Down with the terrorist sympathizer Obama". Or the front page of USA Today with a simple headline, "Obama Ties to Mortgage Industry Examined". He would be 20% in the polls right now.

The media has thrown out all pretense of being unbiased. They, and the rest of the left power base are going to lie, cheat, steal and probably kill to have their puppet installed (note I did not say elected) into power this time.

But we have to fight these evil beasts. We may lose an election but we need to fight these flaming f***heads to the death.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you both whole heartedly. However, some rays of sunshine that I calm myself with as I feel the blood pressure rising.

With a democrat majority in congress, the house and the presidency, who is left to blame? The media can't blame the Republican minority, blaming Bush will only last so long. When the dems screw up, the media will be as much victims as the rest of the people in this country. Once their fantasies of being the journalist who stopped the evil Republicans in their tracks against all odds have been met, when they wake up with an Obama hangover, and their houses are still losing value, their paychecks are going down while taxes go up, they will have no one to blame but the puppets they installed.

The sleepy ones who bought Obamas lines and don't know the real Obama will get a rude awakening, and the midterms in 2010 will be turnover time, and as long as we regroup enough to put forth a good alternative and good candidates, the elections will stall their plans, and Obama will have sold himself on dreams and come out as an empty suit.

Remember, it's easy to get into attack mode, the Democrats haven't had to play defence for a number of years.

Of course, this is all assuming he wins, which with the Obama/Acorn/FMac/FMas storm brewing, things could change again.

McCain is playing it safe, Palin is sticking her claws in as are the blogs and so on. Remember, 4 years ago, the polls said Kerry was a sure thing. 4 years before that, they said the same about Gore.
Polls don't mean a thing, and the only one with any ammunition left is the Republicans.


Anonymous said...

Ayers is a red herring! McCain associated with skinheads and Palin associated with Secessionists. Oh yeah, Biden associated with McCain-AND LEIBERMAN!!!!

gordon gekko said...

For the record, i think McCain's attack on Ayers without also incorporating the narrative on how the democrats created this current economic mess is a waste of time.

But this whole community organizer/ACORN/Ayers/Fannie Mae/ Chris Dodd/Barney Frank/Maxine Waters/Stock market collapse is genuine, legitimate and could have been a well executed campaign theme, but McCain fumbled it.

Now I think it's a lost opportunity.

I look at an Obama victory as a big win for the Ayer's of the world and I think that is despicable.