Wednesday, May 13, 2009

State's rankings by freedom

Reader Jeremy sent me this link ranking states by freedom; economically and socially.

If you are one of those people who likes to call themselves economically conservative, socially liberal you'll find that the term is as imaginary as a unicorn......

According to the study, previous research has shown that, as of 2006, Alabama and Mississippi were the most conservative states in the country, while New York and New Jersey were the most liberal. In the index put forth by the new study, Alabama and Mississippi fall in the middle, while New York and New Jersey are at the bottom.

“The problem is that the cultural values of liberal governments seem on balance to require more regulation of individual behavior than do the cultural values of conservative governments,” say the study’s authors. “While liberal states are freer than conservative states on marijuana and same-sex partnership policies, when it comes to gun owners, home schoolers, motorists, or smokers, liberal states are nanny states, while conservative states are more tolerant.”

What people miss is that money = freedom. Years ago, I read a Walter Williams column asking whether or not you or more free if he were to take your life savings from you.

The fact is, people who believe it's OK to confiscate your money, also have no problems telling you how to smoke, drink, eat trans fat, and now from the Obamaunists; drink soda. Oh and that abortion thing? Remember, the Chinese first legalized abortion and now force women to have them. How about that for choice?

Ponder the thought.

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