Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I've done little posting on this "birther" movement because, frankly, it's a monumental waste of time.

There were lots of reasons to vote against Obamamania without even including this drivel.

But when I'm going through and seeing liberals post on the "technical" violation of the Constitution, it has me wonder what the hell is up with this........

Here's one article.......

But whatever the actual percentage was of kooky Democratic "truthers," they never got even close to the mainstream cred now enjoyed by the largely Republican "birthers." You didn't find serious lefty pundits or elected Democrats muttering that there were still serious questions about whether Bush was in on the 9/11 plot, or ducking the issue when reporters came to call.

Even still, at least the Democratic wingnuts were obsessing over a gravely serious matter -- treason and the deaths of thousands of innocents. The Republican wingnuts are obsessing over what is, at worst, a highly technical violation of one of the ugliest and outmoded passages in our Constitution.


And another.........

Despite a congressional resolution affirming President Obama's U.S. birth and a reaffirmation of his birth certificate's authenticity from Hawaiian officials, media outlets continue to air frivolous allegations that the president was born in Kenya, rendering him ineligible for the presidency. Let's pretend, for just a moment, that the birthers had credible evidence that Obama was foreign-born. Then what would happen?

Resignation, impeachment, or nothing. If Obama stood his ground, and Congress stood by him, then the only way to legally remove him from office would be for someone to sue. Problem is, no one would have standing to bring such a lawsuit. To establish standing, a plaintiff must show that he has suffered an injury personal to him, that the defendant caused the injury, and that the court could provide a remedy. That turns out to be an impossible task.


So these are now the democratic talking points? We've gone from "is he really an American" to splitting hairs on technical aspects of the law as to whether he's eligible to serve. It's almost like they're conceding a breach in the dike and now they're moving behind the next one to shore it up.


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