Sunday, January 24, 2010

Help wanted - a spending task force

OK I have to admit. Last year, I blew my wallet with uncontrollable spending. Mrs. Gekko is furious at me.

As a result, I'm putting together a task force to help me not spend so much. You say ridiculous, just cut up your credit cards and instill some fiscal discipline into your life?

Well, you might be a candidate to help Obama not spend so much...........

In a dramatic concession to senior Democratic and Republican lawmakers, President Obama abruptly shifted his position Saturday and declared his public support for creating a fiscal commission that could propose sweeping tax increases and spending cuts to try to slash the soaring federal debt.

The White House released an unexpected written statement from Obama saying he now backs putting together a powerful commission created through a federal statute, a reversal from earlier this week when Vice President Joe Biden signaled in a private meeting with Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.Dakota, and other key lawmakers that the administration would only support a weaker version of the commission by forming it through an executive order.

First, I hate these commissions. Part of being in a government office is having the balls to make the tough calls.

Second, President Obama see #1


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time for a meeting.....