Tuesday, February 09, 2010

More from the Masculists

How do you know when NOW has lost it's relevance?

When they come up with this lame attack on the Tim Tebow ad where he tackles his mom.......
Who among the estimated 106.5 million television viewers – and the untold millions more who have seen it on YouTube and other outlets – could possibly be upset with the image of a happy, active family?

The National Organization for Women, that's who.

The Los Angeles Times reported that NOW President Terry O'Neill said the Tebow ad – I couldn't make this up – glorifies violence against women.

"I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it," she said. "That's what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don't find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself."

Are you serious?

For the record, did you notice that Terry and Friends made no comment on how Snickers is promulgating violence against senior women like poor Betty White.

All I know is that I saw the ads and my first instinct was to drill Mama Gekko with a chop block and Grandma Gekko with a crackback.

If NOW ever wonders why they have all the relevance of one hand clapping, they can read this comment.


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