Friday, April 30, 2010

Green is for the little guy

If you are an American Lefty, being green is all about you not them..........

When last we saw the World’s Most Beautiful Model (and his wife), they were hectoring us about something called Earth Hour. We were supposed to sit at home in the dark on a Saturday night observing a carbon-free Lenten hour of penance, atoning for our energy-consuming sins.

The Brady-Bundchens, on the other hand, will soon be honoring Earth Hour in their 22,000 square-foot uber-mansion in California. The daunting task of turning out the lights in all eight of their bedrooms - not to mention the workout room, the weight room, the cardio room and, possibly, the covered bridge - will be left to the butler.

Or to the world’s largest Clapper.

There are no published estimates of how much carbon it will take to heat the lagoon-shaped pool or cool the six-car garage at The House Gisele’s Assets Built. However, I’ve made a rough estimate using another leader in the green movement’s mansion in Tennessee. Al Gore’s place is actually about 10 percent smaller than the Bradys’ house. Even so, in 2008 Gore used as much power each month as the average American family uses in a year.

What I admire about Mr. and Mrs. Average is that, even though they have 1/12th Gore’s carbon footprint, they never hassle me about my non-CFL light bulbs on their way to the airport to climb on their private, carbon-spewing jet.

The hallmark of modern American liberalism is that there is no limit to the amount of other people’s money they are willing to spend in the fight to do good; and there is no inconvenience so great that they won’t foist it on everyone else in the cause of social justice.

But when the going actually gets tough, the left gets the hell out.

Read the whole thing........

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