Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who did he vote for? #990

Meet Anthony Gonzalez. Why is Anthony in the news...........

For one suspect, the evidence is allegedly written on his face.

In the case of Anthony Brandon Gonzales, it's tattooed on his upper lip, according to an affidavit.

Gonzales, 20, was arrested Thursday in connection to an April home invasion of a local Elvis impersonator.

What led to Gonzales' arrest were witness statements that one of the suspects had "East Side" tattooed on his upper lip, an affidavit by Pueblo police Detective Cody Wager said.

The affidavit said Gonzales, a known gang member, is the only person police know who has that tattoo. Jail records show Gonzales also has a "13" tattooed on his face in the shape of a goatee.

"With ‘East Side’ tattooed on his upper lip, it's hard to miss him," said Sgt. Eric Bravo.

Now it appears that Mr. Gonzalez here was 18 and eligible to vote in the presidential election. Was his chad poked for The Hope and Change candidate or the Four more years of Bush candidate?


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