Monday, May 21, 2012

Why our kids are dumb asses

Over the weekend, I posted the video from below to illustrate the liberal indoctrination of our students and flat out persecution to those students who challenge the establishment. Today, it's a hard core visual at how our education establishment is churning out scores of retards to teach in our schools.

While a student in high school, I thought it would be cool to emulate one of my teachers who taught and had a side CPA business to subsidize his income.

So I went to the University of Cincinnati to get my accounting degree thinking that this would be the harder degree to get.

Once in the accounting program, I was told that I needed a teaching certificate in order to teach in the schools so I would have to transfer into the University's Teacher's College.

I'll be flat out honest. I've never such a large group of idiots, imbeciles, retards, and morons in my life. And that was simply the faculty on campus. I was more intellectually stimulated by a bunch of high school drop outs in my aunts pizza joint than the people in that school.

In my first course on Educational Foundations, the professor, explained the Pygmalion effect on minorities. As he taught it, it sounded like a reasonable theory to me.

During the second quarter of the same course, my professor (Dr. Terry Neal), explained that black children could not learn in a rote environment.

So in front of about 400 students, I called her out on the fact that was in direct contradiction with the Pygmalion effect; that if we assume that black children cannot learn in a rote environment, they won't.

Hearing the bitch in this video reminded me of the dressing down my professor gave me 27 years ago. After calling me a racist about 20 times, I walked out of the classroom.

Time and time again, I ran into these idiots and I wondered why I really wanted to pursue this career avenue.

To my good fortune, UC dropped their business education degree, so I went back to the business school and became a CPA. Meanwhile, the University graduated all those dip shits and derelicts and they are now spreading their douchebaggery across all the schools in this country.

And we wonder why Johnny can't read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are many great teachers who are in it to teach. But there is also a pretty decent percentage who teach because they are in a position where they can satisfy their need to be dictator.

In fact, there is probably a personality trait that all tyrants share, and that trait is an inability to see the world on anyone else's terms. A tiny, tiny few actually become dictators. Some become bitter, angry rebels. Some become uncompromising beatnik artists that would rather live out of a garbage can than get a real job with a boss.

The rest become teachers, and college professors, where they have total dominion over students who's futures can be destroyed with the stroke of an angry pen. It has to be a rush.