Tuesday, July 09, 2013

What's the common denominator?

Geez, you might think that somewhere in this piece, Charles Lane might point out that Detroit hasn't had a republican mayor since the 1950's.........

One can only hope for his success. Certainly the Michigan law under which Gov. Rick Snyder (R) appointed Orr authorizes him to do what is necessary — from ripping up union contracts to blowing the whistle on alleged pension fund malfeasance. German chancellor Angela Merkel could only wish for such quasi-dictatorial power over her Greek clients.

Of course, Detroit should never have reached the point where it needed an enlightened dictator. 

Motor City residents, public employees, financiers and politicians should have practiced the shared sacrifice Orr is belatedly attempting to impose.

Yet they are hardly the only ones to fail. In California, the cities of Vallejo, San Bernardino and Stockton have declared municipal bankruptcy, from which only Vallejo has emerged; Harrisburg, Pa., is insolvent. Last month Fitch Ratings warned that it might downgrade $8.7 billion of Chicago debt due to a growing unfunded-pension liability.

Question. How many of these cities are run by republicans?

What amazes me the most, is that liberals like to sport themselves as the party of "science".

Hey Mr./Ms. Liberal. You don't need any anecdotal evidence to know that areas run by liberals suffer by almost any objective standard; school performance, cost of living, unemployment, crime, tax rates.

And now we can add municipal bankruptcies to the mix. Soon to be followed by state pension bankruptcies.

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