Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jerry Falwell Fallout

I was never a big Jerry Falwell fan, when I was an agnostic or after my conversion to Christianity.

I always thought he was more apt to push people away from Christ rather than having them look into that relationship for themselves.

None the less, I don't think his passing deserves this treatment.

Here are some of the comments (censored for profanity)

No loss. It came 20 years too late.

Sometimes a picture says it all.... Burn in hell Jerry, Burn in HELL!

rest in peace you bastard

That's anything but wrong. He caused more hate than any one person should in a single lifetime. He's burning in Hell as we type.

Hope you brought sunscreen for your trip to the thereafter. You'll need it.

First class a$ worm food...the world finally makes sense.

I guess one of the things Jerry could be rightly accused of was his lack of tolerance, especially towards homosexuals. But let me ask, do these sound like the words of tolerance?

Since I've gotten into this blogging thing, I've notice that liberals suffer from a tremendous amount of projection; a psychological term where one continually sees their prejudices and stereotypes in others.

Even in the few comments I've received on this blog from liberals, they interpret my beliefs as hate when they use this kind of language and scatological thoughts; what could be more hateful.

I'm just guessing but I'd bet a lot of money that many of the people above are proponents of hate crime legislation. Could anything be hateful than the language used above.

What is it about you that I hate so much about me?

Maybe a liberal should ask the question to themselves.

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