Monday, July 09, 2007

Terrible Ted Strikes Again

Lo and Behold. Just as I finished up my post about the drug situation this morning, I just happened to be going through a Wall Street Journal I didn't get to read from last Tuesday.

Off all things to run into on the op-ed section, is a piece by non other than Ted Nugent about the 40th anniversary of the "Summer of Love", or as he calls it the "Summer of Drugs".

Here's Ted's Analysis of 1967

Forty years ago hordes of stoned, dirty, stinky hippies converged on San Francisco to "turn on, tune in, and drop out," which was the calling card of LSD proponent Timothy Leary. Turned off by the work ethic and productive American Dream values of their parents, hippies instead opted for a cowardly, irresponsible lifestyle of random sex, life-destroying drugs and mostly soulless rock music that flourished in San Francisco.

and the aftermath

A quick study of social statistics before and after the 1960s is quite telling. The rising rates of divorce, high school drop outs, drug use, abortion, sexual diseases and crime, not to mention the exponential expansion of government and taxes, is dramatic. The "if it feels good, do it" lifestyle born of the 1960s has proved to be destructive and deadly.

It's why Ted's the man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just reading the headline, I thought Ted Kennedy drove another young lady home.