Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obamania generosity

For some time, I've been challenging the guys over at Plunderbund and other liberal blogs to give to their local school district or whatever cause they trumpet but some how they never seem willing to actually cut a check.

Why? They are democrats; They expect everyone else to do the heavy lifting.

Look at Obamania's income tax records for the past six years and you'll see why. It's nice to see Obama could scrape up $1000 bucks on an income of $259,000 in 2002. Hey Obama, I gave more than that as a college student; couldn't find some old shirts to give to good will?

I guess I now need to give Obamania a pass now on the Wright issue; it's pretty clear that Obamania never really paid attention to his sermons after all; at least those tithing sermons.

For the record, when democrats talk about greed..... it's their own. In psychological circles they call it projection.

Hat Tip TaxprofBlog

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