Thursday, March 27, 2008

Meet Gordon

So far, this tax season has been a big success for us. Each year has been an improvement from the preceding year; telling me that we're doing something right. This year is no exception.

As a result, I'm going to do my fourth April 15th celebration.

If you are interested in meeting Gordon and having a few free rounds, put April 15th @ 6:00 on your calendar.

I'll be setting up at Willie's Sports Cafe in Kenwood for a little tax season celebration.

So meet Gordon & his posse, unless your name is Puffy Combs.... I don't want to end up like Tupac.


Matt Hurley said...

April 15th...there used to be a blogosphere holiday on April 15th called Buy A Gun Day... Just a little FYI... :) ...since you mentioned Tupac and all...

gordon gekko said...

I just hope my ex wife's not aware of that.