Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Could The Billary go third party?

Is it possible that The Billary is continuing her campaign as a starting point of a third party run for the presidency; similar to Joe Lieberman's senatorial run against democrat Ned Lamont?

Let's face it. After watching the results in KY tonight, it's clear that The Billary could carry a number of states in a third party run against Obamania and McCain. Given the large number of democrats who claim they will not vote for Obamania, she could easily pull 40% in many states.

She would have a great natural constituency (bitter ex-wives, lesbians and Teamsters) and she has an already established campaign infrastructure.

In addition, it's not above a Clinton to sell out the party for their own glory. After all, they perfected triangulation.

Maybe Rush should consider dropping Operation Chaos.


Mark_McNally said...

If Missus Clinton went third party McCain would win New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, etc.

She'd be our Ross Perot.

gordon gekko said...

I wouldn't be so cocky.Remember Clinton could siphon plenty of votes off of Reagan democrats who feel betrayed by big business republicans.