Thursday, May 22, 2008

If Gordon was an oil company executive

From yesterday's senate hearings.
"We need to get prices under control.... We can only conclude that the oil markets have failed," said Sen. Herbert Kohl, D-Wis.

- Senator Kohl, markets don't fail; markets are markets. I know you are a senator, so this is probably new knowledge to you. But have you ever heard of the law of supply and demand? Because your question confirms my belief that senators are narcissistic retards.
"My question is where does this end?" Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI, asked.

- Senator, markets do not end. As long as there are people in this country willing to pay $4 a gallon for gasoline, that will be the price.
"We have to explain to our family and friends what is going on," Robertson answered.

- Sir, if your family and friends are as moronic as you are, you have a great challenge on your hands.
"How do you explain your profits?" asked Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.

- We drill oil, transport it to refineries, refine it into gasoline, transport gasoline to gas stations and they sell it. How do you explain your profits?
Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., said there was no explanation for "why profits have gone up so high when the consumer is suffering so much."

- Senator, last year the American consumer purchased 130 billion gallons of gasoline. if we abandoned all of our profits, we could bring the price down 50 cents a gallon. But if we are not going to make any money on the sale of gasoline, then we'll just close down our operation. It's a lot easier to not do anything to make no money than to employ a 100,000 people to not make money. Now if all of the governments in this country didn't tax gasoline, that alone would drop the price over $1.00 a gallon and you do nothing for it. If you fat ass, loud mouth, senators cared so much about gas prices, you'd drop all those taxes.

In addition, have you ever wondered where we get the money to pay for giant super tankers that cost hundreds of millions of dollars? What about all the money distributed to retirees for their pensions? Where does that money come from you idiot?

"The issue is simple," said Leahy. "People we represent are hurting, the companies you represent are profiting."

- Then as soon as this hearing is over, we all have an expectation that you'll allow us to drill in the gulf and in ANWAR so that we can increase the supply of crude oil. If we can increase that supply, prices will fall which will lead to lower gasoline prices for Americans. Can we count on you for that senator?

By the way Senator, according to the investment bankers here today, most of the price spikes have occurred as a result of speculation in the market. Many of these people believe that this speculation has resulted in increases of $50 to $60 a barrel.

Why? On January, 2007, when this democratic congress assumed power, light sweet crude prices were hovering around $53 a barrel. Today, those prices exceed $120 a barrel. When this congress took power, the market knew that you idiots would do what ever it took to prevent drilling on US soil in order to protect some musk rat in Manitoba or water moccasin off the Georgian coast.

As a result, speculators know that world supply will be limited due to your inaction, so prices have no where to go but up. But you'd rather come here today and grandstand your fat ass and lecture us about crude prices instead of actually governing in a manner that will help the average American.

Are there any other questions from you weasels before I go back to actually serving my customer instead giving them governmental "prison love"?


Ben said...


I wonder how many Democrats are happy to see gas rising. It may hurt them when they fill up the tank, but they know it probably (they feel) helps them in the election.

Probably more than we would suspect.

Anonymous said...

I have one question. Why was Hugo Chavez not issued a subpoena to appear before congress? He is, for all intents and purposes, the CEO of Citgo and it is making the same profits off the US consumer that Exxon is.

We have no problem giving him the red carpet to come in and bash our President at the UN. Why can't we bring him in to ask about profiteering at the expense of our citizens.

Answer: Our senators are spineless cowards.

gordon gekko said...

I'd like to offer a grammar lesson; using senator, spineless and coward is awfully redundant.

midas mulligan said...

Don't get a big head gordon, but that might have been one of your best post ever.

gordon gekko said...

Thanks I appreciate it.

Unfortunately, that's kind of how I addressed my bosses when I worked in corporate America.

Needless to say, I didn't last long.