Thursday, July 17, 2008

A short life in "Progress" City

"Violent crime in the city of Chicago is out of control," Blagojevich said at the bill signing ceremony. "I'm offering resources of the state to the city to work in a constructive way with Mayor Daley to do everything we can possibly do to help stop this violence," said the governor.

The summer of 2008 will be remembered as especially violent. Blagojevich said there's been a child shot nearly every day since June 26, with 29 Chicago Public School students shot since last fall.

"Twenty-eight of those kids are African-American and Latino. Hard to imagine that that would be acceptable if that were, in fact, the case in other parts of the city or in a middle-class suburb somewhere," he said. "Something is wrong, and this violence has to stop."


Hey Guv, how is it that all these God and gun clinging red necks in SE Ohio somehow find a way to keep from shooting each other every night.

I don't know for sure but I'm betting that at least fifty percent of the homes in my neighborhood (SW Ohio) has a loaded gun in it, yet, to my knowledge, there's never been a shooting of any kind in the neighborhood.

If you are a "progressive", your first reaction is to blame guns. But it can't be that simple because we have guns in Warren county and we're not shooting each other. In fact, "progressive" cities have the most restrictive guns laws, probably have less actual gun ownership (as a percentage) and still have all these killings.

It's not the guns.

I got into a debate with a liberal blog last weekend who wanted to blame this gun violence on Bush, Cheney, & Rumsfeld. This is the type of "progressive" thinking that has our inner cities becoming shooting ranges.

The truth is harder to swallow for "progressives". This calamity is a total by product of the welfare state "progressives" created. And now they're delusional to the true issue at hand.

All you need to do is look at our prison population and you’ll see two common threads.

1) Fatherless homes
2) Drug and alcohol abuse (I would offer that this is actually a sub set of fatherless homes)

Our current welfare culture has diminished the importance of two parent families and has created an entire subculture of young males who have no respect for authority and no respect for their own lives.

So what if I pop a cap in your ass or you shoot me? When lives have no value, who cares?

We’ve spent trillions on the “war on poverty” and guess what? We have even more poverty today than we did in the 1960’s. Only this poverty is made up of “poverty of the soul” which is probably worse than financial poverty and why we have a serious group of men in this country who have no problems taking a shot at a cop.

Liberals are adept at putting salve on symptoms (such as taking away guns). When they want to get real and start dealing with the rot we’re breeding with our welfare state, we’ll actually begin to make some progress with this senseless violence.

Remember, cities are run exclusively by "progressives", the suburbs are not. Cities have all the murders, the suburbs do not. You tell me the difference.

What's so "progressive" about homicides?

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