Thursday, August 21, 2008

More "progressive" projection

I didn't see the Saddleback debate but I find that this quote perfectly characterizes what it means to be a "progressive".

From Obama... (ht Bizzyblog)
“Americans’ greatest moral failure in my lifetime,” he said, “has been that we still don’t abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.”


Hey Barackstar, for the record, I donated a hell of a lot more to charity than you have in the past ten years and I've never made anywhere close to the amount of money you and Mrs. Messiah have. But I'm no different than any of my friends. See, we actually do. We don't wait before we can take something from someone before we do. We just do.

In addition, American's give one hell of a lot to charity; a much higher percentage than any population in the world.

I think Barackstar's problem is that he hangs with too many liberals. They do all the talking but none of the walking.


Anonymous said...

Dear silly taxman,

Don't you know that the libs are only generous with everyone elses money? The worlds ills are not to be solved by liberals they have the difficult jobs of getting everyone else to lose out and fix things.

Al Gore? Being green isn't for him, he can keep his large house and 100ft boat in return for dictating to the rest of us how to conserve what little energy we do use.

Drug companies ripping of third world countries and the poor? It's not the liberals job to start up drug companies that will be compassionate and offer cheap drugs no matter how much it costs to come up with them and chew through miles of government red tape.

Car companies...get green. The liberals want their 'alternative' fuel cars. They have no idea what that alternative is or how to go about doing it, but they want it, and Obama has promised to deliver it (whatever it is, even he doesn't know). Regardless, they are all about dictating to companies that they need to come up with it, despite the fact that I'm sure capitalists everywhere have been trying to come up with it.

Liberals aren't about doing, they are all about telling you to do it. Not having to do it is their reward for insisting you do it.


gordon gekko said...


I agree with your point. But why are they this way.

Because liberals see the world through their own selfish & self absorbed prism.

So while conservatives actually donate their time and money to causes, liberals try to show their compassion from stealing from others because they believe everyone in the world is as selfish as they are.

Anonymous said...

Gordon, I think the liberals view the world through a utopian prism and leave it to the conservatives to deliver it. Everyone will have healthcare, everyone will have a well paid job and be happy with it, there will be peace in the world, everyone will be green and the world will heal itself, if only we would all wish hard enough that it would happen.

Conservatives live in reality, and frankly I'm tired of always being the grown up in the room telling the kids they can't eat lollypops for their 3 meals a day. Conservatives get such a bad rap because we are the meanies who don't want to give healthcare to all because the costs will be outrageous. Sure, we want everyone to have a job but realize that at the end of the day someone will be cleaning the toilets for low pay. We'd love a world without war, and we'll get one when crazy morons aren't intent on killing us, or wiping Israel off the map.

Btw, as an Ohioan, I love the blog for both local and national (and international) news.


gordon gekko said...

I do agree with your observation that liberals view the world as a child. Unfortunately, it takes grown ups to actually run the world.

What's even more hilarious is that your most ardent liberals have had silver spoons in their mouths for a lifetime. Nice schools, nice homes, nice liberal arts education.

Their lack of life's ups and downs leave them with no perspective on the real world.

BTW, thanks for the compliment.Tell all your friends.