Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nice job Ted

HT to Maggie Thurber.

Governor Ted has come out in opposition to the Healthy Families Act.

If he can get out in front on this legislation, it might actually be defeated.

It looks to me that Ted actually put the economic health of state in front of his own political union support.


Ben said...

A welcome surprise.

Mark_McNally said...

Now if he'll only do tv commercials opposing it.

gordon gekko said...

That's where the rubber meets the road.

Joe C. said...

Come on! He's read the tea leaves, and knows that HFA has no shot in hell of passing - with or without him. He is using this as a political opportunity to "show independence" from his union puppeteers, then he'll take credit for HFA's defeat despite having nothing to do with it. Look for feigned outrage with a knowing wink-and-nod from the unionists as they bait-and switch another issue after Nov.

gordon gekko said...

I couldn't disagree more.

The early poll shows this 70-29 in favor of the bill.

Granted it probably won't pass that big but it will definitely pass big time.

I actually see this a some small level of political courage not usually seen by a democrat.