Thursday, January 29, 2009

Block this bill

Hopefully, the GOP is starting to get a wiff of ridiculous government spending and are coming to their senses.

Now, maybe the republicans in the senate will hold steadfast on this pile of menusha called a "stimulus" package....
House and Senate Republicans should back away from the bloated, pork filled spending bill that Democrats are masking as a stimulus. New computers for State Department bureaucrats? Food stamps? $335 million to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (someone please tell me how preventing STDs is going to revive the economy)?

The New York Times, likely in jubilation, reveals exactly what many opponents have been arguing (and fearing) for a long time in a front page headline today: “Stimulus Plan Offers Road to Retooling Social Policy.” With expanded entitlements and experiments in socialized medicine — don’t forget the family planning money that was recently stripped — the bill is the largest, liberal spending boon this nation has ever seen.

We were thrown out of the White House because we acted like Democrats. It’s time to stand up, stand strong, and return to our principles of low taxes for everyone, private sector growth, and long term job creation through incentives that aren’t handouts for a select few.

The key to a successful stimulus is one that puts money directly into the hands of the people, not borderline bankrupt states and the bureaucrats who run them to pay off debt. Besides creating a lobbyist feeding frenzy, the bill does little to create long term jobs. It might create short term work, but that is what we saw with the New Deal, and that is why it failed. While new roads are nice, you can’t rebuild a road five times.


Thanks to reader Mark for the heads up.

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