Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why newspapers are going under

So you get your Sunday newspaper, looking to become a well informed citizen while you spend a half an hour on the hopper and you see this headline on page one...

Stock crash eats college savings

You're kidding right?

Who would have thunk it?

So you think that maybe the Cincinnati Enquirer isn't really the paper where you'll find good news.

Let's try the St. Petersburg Times

Average fans priced out of Super Bowl

Get the hell out of here. You mean to tell me average fans can't buy Super Bowl tickets?

The next headline...

Scientist confirm, water is wet

Bears really do go in the woods

According to experts, Pope is Catholic

It really is a shocker people aren't willing to pay for such hard hitting depth of news you could get just actually having a life.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. I loved the Gordon Gecko tag. Wonder how many people go that.

And do not forget,

According to government, taxes are legal.

Anonymous said...

Darn, I always thought that bears went on the highway and threw it in the woods to fool the hunters,

Joe C. said...

Yeah. I cancelled my Dispatch again, except for Sunday -- my wife wants the ads. I restarted it for my junior in HS to read, but I found that he just lost brain cells - especially reading Joe Hallet (That's not supposed to happen 'til college!) - so I restarted the WSJ for him.