Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Governing to our lowest common denominator

I wanted to post on this subject a couple of weeks ago and forgot.

Thanks to reader Mark for reminding me of one significant collapse of our American way of life coming soon.

The dreaded converter box.

Over the holidays, Gordon got into a heated discussion with a family member who thought that being forced to buy a converter box to watch "free" TV was actually criminal.

Here is an excerpt of the conversation....

Me Why do you care? You already have cable.

Her Well, when we had that hurricane last fall, my cable was out for three days.

Me Are you kidding me? There were people who were out of power for three weeks and you're worried that you might miss an episode of Dexter. Sorry if I don't feel your pain.

Her Well I think it's just wrong.

I don't think it's a coincidence that this is the only member of our family to vote for Obama.

But what does it say about our country when we're looking to alter a policy that's been in place for over three years for a million dumb asses who waited until the month before the conversion to finally say WTF? This conversion was already delayed three years ago because of these dumb asses and now we're going to do it again.

What does it say about a country who has people living in free housing three years after hurricane Katrina?

How are we as a nation going to overcome our current problems when we have to continually slow down for the derelicts of this world?

Slowly, but surely, we have indoctrinated our entire US population into the Pygmallian Effect

Won't feed your kids..... Don't worry, we'll do it for you.

Won't save yourself from a hurricane.... Don't worry, we'll house you.

Can't drive in the snow.... Don't worry, just show up for work when the snow melts.

More on the conversion here.

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