Saturday, February 14, 2009

Welcome to the NFL

I don't know why bi partisanship is so important. Especially when Obama got what he wanted. Isn't that the point of winning an election; get what you want? Allegedly, this is the bunk the American people want. If republicans don't want to go along, so what?

But for some reason, this reporter thinks it would be a good idea if republicans join in on the porkulus bill.
On the day before the big vote, President Obama took a freshman Republican member of Congress aboard Air Force One to visit Illinois. Before an audience in Representative Aaron Schock’s district, Mr. Obama praised him as “a very talented young man” and expressed “great confidence in him to do the right thing for the people of Peoria.”

But when Mr. Schock stood up on the House floor on Friday, less than 24 hours later, his view of the right thing for the people of Peoria was to vote against the most important initiative of Mr. Obama’s young presidency.

“They know that this bill is not stimulus,” Mr. Schock, 27, said of his constituents. “They know that this bill will not do anything to create long-term, sustained economic growth.”

Whatever it will do for the economy, the legislation that passed Friday will clearly not do anything to create long-term, sustained bipartisan reconciliation. Not one Republican voted for Mr. Obama’s plan in the House and just three voted for it in the Senate as it headed to final passage on Friday night. The party-line schism, coupled with the withdrawal on Thursday of a Republican senator, Judd Gregg, as a nominee to Mr. Obama’s cabinet, made clear the futility so far of the president’s effort to move Washington toward post-partisanship.

Their unrequited overtures to Republicans over the past several weeks taught Mr. Obama and his aides some hard lessons. Advisers concluded that they allowed the measure of bipartisanship to be defined as winning Republican votes rather than bringing civility to the debate, distracting attention from what have otherwise been major legislative victories. Although Mr. Obama vowed to keep reaching out to Republicans, advisers now believe the environment will probably not change in coming months.

This kind of reminds me of my relationship with my ex-wife. Whenever "we" had to make a decision, my input was always permitted if "we" = "she". That's how democrats define bipartisanship.

So because the Messiah allowed this republican to touch his cloak he's supposed to vote for horrible legislation? Give me a break.

Maybe this clown forgets all those movies where Bush invited Ted Kennedy, et al and what did that get him? A lot of prison love with a broom stick.

It's all about getting your way. Obama got his way, now he owns it. there's no sharing the blame from this point on.



Anonymous said...

This legislation is now officially their baby, they had it, they need to take care of it. When the economy tanks, they can't blame Bush and the Republicans (though they will try).
I really hope that the people that voted for this clown are really paying attention, as are the Republicans that set this perfect storm up.

Anonymous said...

In principle, there is no difference between the republican congress of 2000-2006 and this one. The excessive spending now is about 50% more than the excessive spending then. Either way it still has been excessive spending.

was like the republicans were saying to their base, "The democrats will make you sleep in pig shit. So vote for us because we will only make you sleep in cow shit, which doesn't smell nearly as bad."

OK Ok, so now we are in pig shit. Big deal. For the first time in about 15 years I see the republican party starting to stand for fiscal responsibility. About 14 years too late. At least there won't be a total power vaccuum when this stimulus falls flat on it's face.

gordon gekko said...

Anon #2

My sentiments exactly.

However, maybe we should consider this a prodigal son moment.

It doesn't appear that this boycott of the bill was a political play.

Too many republicans could have loaded some of their own pork on this with the cover of "doing this is better than doing nothing".