Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama pulled a Bush

My buddy Eric thought it was kind of cute to do a snark attack on my moderate pirate piece below (never mind that he's AWOL when I issue my liberal challenges).

But why exactly did this work out.

According to The American Thinker, it isn't because he sought out international consensus, he didn't try to negotiate, it's because Obambi did exactly what Bush would have done......

OK, conservatives, here's a plan.

Big deal, we lost the election. (Twice -- once for the GOP nomination, and once for the presidency).

The solution? Coopt the Obamunistas.

How? We've got the biggest ally in the world, called Reality. It's a place conservatives know well, because we live there. What's scary about Obamunismo is that its followers talk as if they don't live in Reality. Sometimes they even act that way. But nobody can act against Reality for long without getting a lot of bloody noses.

With the rescue of Captain Phillips, Barack Obama met Reality. The US Navy shot three pirates even though they were Politically Correct pirates: Muslim, Black, African, probably sad sack desperadoes. It didn't matter, because they held a gun to our national head -- in the person of Captain Richard Phillips.

Obama reacted the way a US president should, by letting the Navy and FBI act. In this single moment, Obama became Obushma. Because that's how George W. Bush would have acted. That's how the British Navy would have acted in its heyday. It's how freedom of the seas has been protected for two centuries.

That's gotta sting the balls of the left wing.... If they had any.



Anonymous said...

I thought O was all about talking through disagreements. Wow. Obama lasted a whole couple of days before he got tired of talking, and gave the order to blow the little f**ks away.
I bet future negotiations with pirates go a little smoother for us. I just wonder how long it will take for the left to realize that any success Obama has in future diplomacy has far less to do with the magic of his personality than it does with Navy SEAL snipers that can pick off a mosquito in the dark from 3000 feet.

God I'm proud of those guys.

Joe C. said...

I give Obama credit for going against type and making the right and conservative, albeit easy, decision. Hopefully he learned something for the future.

Eric said...

Bush gets credit because Obama did just what he would have. When did you start doing comedy?

I can understand how this pirate thing chaps your ass, but damn man. Get a grip!

I often miss your "liberal challenges" because unlike you freeloading big government conservative types I work for a living. ;-)

Coopt Obamunistas. I'm gonna have to start reading you much more. Comedy gold here!

Anonymous said...

I didn't catch your point eric. Are you for or against Omama's use of violence here?

Eric said...

mark me down in the for column skippy. while i don't think this will make things any easier in the horn of africa area, it was certainly the right thing to do if the forces on the ground felt the captain's life was in imminent danger.

but channeling his inner george bush? see plunderbund here in a bit for why.

gordon gekko said...


Nice to see you finally got a job.

Eric said...

never been without one my friend. someone has to help clean up after your party's large spending sprees!

gordon gekko said...

I think all the readers are still waiting for you to tell us exactly what did Obama do in this scenario that Bush wouldn't do?

Modern Esquire said...

It's sad that you are so delusional that you cannot comprehend that a Democratic president could do this without compromising his ideology. Bush would have done nothing. Because that's what he did in the past eight years about international piracy.

If Bush were still President, he would have sent Johnny Depp to Gitmo for "enhanced questioning."

In case you haven't been paying attention, Obama also favors focusing on military in going after the resurgent Al Qaeda threat in Pakistan and Afghanistan. A "surge" policy opposed by, well, the Republican nominee for President who criticized Obama's support of a policy of crossing into Pakistan, whether we have their approval or not, to get terrorists.

Anonymous said...

When I get into online debate I try not to be respectful and not make the other guy look stupid. But unfortunately for Eric and Modern I can't stop them from making themselves look stupid.

You guys are so transparently hypocritical. Please, next time try a little harder pretend you care about oppressed people getting shot at by our military. You know, the way you used to pretend to care about oppressed people when Bush was president. At least you would come across as credible. Still wrong, but credible.

It's so obvious by the flag waiving left cheering the violent death of these three "freedom fighter" pirates that the left has never been about the little guy. They are all about advancing their power. Now that selectively killing evil people elevates Obama instead of Bush, well, I think it's open season on little guys like these who, six months ago, would have been considered by the left to be freedom fighters. Now they are just useful cannon fodder.

A day after the pirates died (which means they could no longer tell their side of the story) and well after it was clear that this military operation would be viewed with pride by the public, Obama bravely sent up a trial balloon through an anonymous "leaker" that he was the one that decisively gave the order to pull the trigger...if it became necessary. And magically the left base is all of the sudden just fine with it. It's one in the "for" column for guys like Eric.

That said, I want you guys to take note of one more thing: You have not heard one conservative voice say that Obama ordered the wrong action here. We are consistent in support of the president in the use of force when necessary, regardless of who he/she is. We are thrilled to see that Obama didn't just vote "present" but instead, apparently gave the decisive order for us take out these vermin, even if it means an elevation of respect for him on the world stage. That's because respect for our president, citizens and our country is more important than ideaology, regardless of who is occupying the Oval Office.

I'm afraid Eric and Modern would not have been so accepting of Bush given precisely the same set of circumstances.

gordon gekko said...

Modern Esquire, Let me make sure i have this right.

You are now in favor of invading a sovereign nation (an ally no less) who had nothing to do with 9/11 in order to eliminate a potential terrorist threat.

I'm guessing that if I looked at your blog, you probably had some issues with that when it was a republican doing the same thing.

As far as Eric goes, I think your silence says it all.