Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Matthews on Global Warming

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the warming Matthews feels might be some tinkling going down his leg.

My argument with global warming is the same as it is with higher taxes: Why do liberals need a law to tell them what to do is right by their terms. If a "vast majority" of people feel that something must be done, then the dem leadership should ask this vast majority to do it and that should be that.

Ask americans to pay more taxes. Surely the average liberal should do their duty and write a $5000 check to uncle sam. Ask Americans to cut their driving in half. If the vast majority think that would solve the problem then it should be done without the need for laws.

Nope. In reality the typical lib wants EVERYONE ELSE to make the sacrifices. I have a couple of lib friends that regularly jet all over the country on vacation. All the while complaining how terrible it is that they have to ride in jets that kick out CO2. I've heard them ask: "Why can't the government force the jet companies to make eco-friendly planes?"

When a flight to Hawaii doubles in price because of the carbon tax, they will be the first to complain that the price is too high. And jets will still kick out CO2. And they will still be blaming Bush.