Monday, May 18, 2009

When liberals party

I read this article on WSJ title Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich, related to the net migration of capital into and out of certain states (HT Porkopolis).

To the side, is a table prepared by American Legislative Exchange Council ranking states' net domestic migration.

From the table, it's easy to see the flat out flight of people from the following states; Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, Illinois, California, and New York.

In any of my normal posts I would, of course, point out that all of these states are the most "progressive" states in the country.

But in this post, I'd like to ask a question of my liberal friends out there.

Needless to say, I don't get invited to many parties populated by "progressives". I'm guessing it's primarily because I'm neither feminist, gay, black, union member, college professor nor do I drink Pinot Noir or Starbucks.

So I'm curious, when you liberal types get together what do you talk about? Obviously, you tell all kinds of Bush = Chimp jokes. But seriously, do you guys ever talk about how life is so wonderful in New York? So wonderful, in fact, 2 million people have fled the state?

Or how about how wonderful life is in the great state of California, where liberal policies have resulted in 1.5 million people leaving?

But on a smaller scale, "progressives" run every single city in this country. How's that working out?

Does it ever dawn on any single liberal out there to look around and ask the question "Gee, maybe those liberal policies I'm so big on don't work so well?"

Or do you care?

Is it so important to be "right" that you are willing to bankrupt an entire city, state and county to have your way?

Is there one ounce of self reflection in your "progressive" mind set?

So maybe you can clue me in on the jokes you and your buddies tell down at the local coffee shop. Because you are most certainly not discussing how liberal policies work so well for society.

1 comment:

Joe C. said...

Leftists have a genetic disorder -- narcissagnosia -- that prevents them from recognizing hypocrisy and irony in themselves but neurotically project them on to others contrary to any evidence.

A truly goddawful disease.