Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How will the left respond?

If you read any conservative blogs, you've surely read a condemnation or two on George tiller's murderer.

From NRO....

How about the service guys murdered for the sheer fact that they were American serviceman? Do you think you'll here any condemnation from the anti war left?
This morning, a U.S. Army recruiting station was attacked. One recruiter was killed, another hurt. Any statements from the antiwar Left deploring that violence? I've seen none from Code Pink, which has called U.S. servicemen "war criminals" and worse in service of a "fascist dictatorship," and whose rhetoric has, in general, been comparable to that of the less temperate branches of the pro-life movement. If you want to check International ANSWER'S press statements, you'll find nothing deploring this violence.

This isn't the first attack on a recruiting station, and the antiwar Left has been open in calling for violence against members of the American military. It is right (or at least it seems so to me) that pro-lifers are expected to actively renounce the rhetoric and actions of those who share our position, broadly defined, but who employ unacceptable methods. Why the double standard for the antiwar crowd? Any bets on whether the New York Times op-ed page in the morning will even take note of the event?

In fact you'd be hard pressed to find the event in the news at all.


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