Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Blue State Meltdown

I don't consider myself a man of many qualities but I do have one quality that seems to be lacking in every liberal I've ever known, read, met, heard, etc...

That is the quality of self assessment.

For instance, don't you think that at some point in time a liberal or two might have the self reflection of "Wow, how is it that every thing we run is a bankrupt, shit hole!"

Somehow, that reflection seems to be missing among those of us who claim to be "progressive".

Here's a piece from the The American Enterprise Institute on the meltdown in Blue State America................
On the surface this should be the moment the Blue Man basks in glory. The most urbane president since John Kennedy sits in the White House. A San Francisco liberal runs the House of Representatives while the key committees are controlled by representatives of Boston, Manhattan, Beverly Hills, and the Bay Area—bastions of the gentry.

Despite his famous no-blue-states-no-red-states-just-the-United-States statement, more than 90 percent of the top 300 administration officials come from states carried last year by President Obama. The inner cabinet—the key officials—hail almost entirely from a handful of cities, starting with Chicago but also including New York, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco area.

This administration shares all the basic prejudices of the Blue Man including his instinctive distaste for “sprawl,” cars, and factories. In contrast, policy is tilting to favor all the basic blue-state economic food groups—public employees, university researchers, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Wall Street, and the major urban land interests.

Yet despite all this, the blue states appear to be continuing their decades-long meltdown. “Hope” may still sell among media pundits and cafĂ© society, but the bad economy, increasingly now Obama’s, is causing serious pain to millions of ordinary people who happen to live in the left-leaning part of America.

For example, while state and local budget crises have extended to some red states, the most severe fiscal and economic basket cases largely are concentrated in places such as New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Oregon, and, perhaps most vividly of all, California. The last three have among the highest unemployment rates in the country; all the aforementioned are deeply in debt and have been forced to impose employee cutbacks and higher taxes almost certain to blunt a strong recovery.

Read the rest of this thoughtful yet powerful piece here......


Anonymous said...

I think most of us are liberal when they are born. We expect everyone else to take care of us from day 1. As we grow older, our life experiences give us those "ah ha" moments, sometimes painful. When the hard lessons are learned we have the choice to look inward or outward for solutions.

Those of us who look inward usually conclude that self improvement is the answer, and a conservative is born. Those who continue to look outward eventually outgrow the ability of their parents to fix their lives and start to look to larger institutions to solve their problems which grow geometricly, and are always caused by someone else mind you. Those who never take the personal growth step are your lifelong liberals.

So Gordon, the answer your question is really related to cause and effect. If someone does a true self assessment, they almost always become conservatives. The dregs left behind are these liberals you keep meeting.

Anonymous said...

One other gigantic fact that is lost on liberals: Let's use Joe Lib as an example. Regardless of whether there is a socialist regime in power or a free market regime, the person most hurt by Joe Lib's reliance on social solutions is in fact Joe Lib himself, and his children, and his children's children.

All the people who have figured that out on their own have already become conservative. What's left over are bitter liberals waiting for the obama utopia to materialize. I predict that in 3 years there will be a large number of Joe Libs living in blue bankrupt shitholes. By and large this will be the same group of people that who were living in bankrupt shitholes before Nov 4th,2008. And mostly obama voters. Most will continue to blame others. Some will have begun to look inward for the answers to their problems. These will be the ones who are more successful and happier.

What will make the difference in whether the blue meltdown states begin to prosper once again is not whether they elect democrats or republicans but whether large portions of their populations begin to look to personal growth as the answer to their probems. Once that process starts, you will see change for the good.

Electing the socialists out of power will just be a natural byproduct of that.

gordon gekko said...
