Friday, July 24, 2009

Someone grab their crack pipes

From the old cliche "those who can do, those who can't teach....."

We need to change that to "Those who can do, those who can't run trade organizations......"

That's because those who can don't have time to sit around in meetings with trade organizations like the AMA, ABA, AICPA etc.

As a result, the leadership in these organizations become defacto liberals.

Need an example how about the head of the Women's Chamber of Commerce who welcomes a hike in the minimum wage.......

Business owners across the nation are welcoming the July 24 increase in the federal minimum wage from $6.55 to $7.25. National business leaders and small business owners in states where workers are getting a raise say the increase will boost consumer buying power and promote economic recovery.

“A minimum wage increase at this time could be the most important factor in powering our economy out of the recession,” said Camille Moran, owner of a paralegal service and Christmas tree farm in Louisiana. “The higher the wage an employee receives, the more income he or she has to purchase goods and services for their family, which is indeed ‘the best medicine’ for our economy.” More than 8% of workers will be affected by the minimum wage increase in Louisiana.

Richard Ketring, president of VHS Cleaning Services in Ashland, Wisc. said, “When we raise the incomes of the lowest paid employees the money is immediately spent and flows instantly into the economy. The increased income can also make for more reliable workers as it reduces the stress that many minimum wage workers experience as they work extra jobs, juggle day care, work when sick or don’t receive needed medical care -- causing further distress later. I support the minimum wage increase not only because it is the right thing to do, but it is good for business.” More than 7% of Wisc. workers will receive a raise.

U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce CEO Margot Dorfman said, “Now, more than ever, it’s imperative that employees are paid a fair minimum wage. It is an unsustainable and dangerous downward spiral to push American workers into poverty and expect taxpayers to pick up the bill for the consequences. Minimum wage laws guarantee to taxpayers that businesses are playing fair and compensating workers at responsible levels.”


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