Sunday, July 19, 2009

Life in "Progress" City

From the "progressive" city of San Francisco we're a republican hasn't run the city since Judas was an accountant.....

The number of San Francisco retirees or their survivors knocking back $100,000 or more a year in city pensions has grown to 709.

That's 229 more than last year. It's also 124 more than for all of Los Angeles - a city with more than four times San Francisco's population - according to figures freshly provided to the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility, a pension reform group.

Those in San Francisco who have earned a ride on the golden highway include six former police chiefs, four former fire chiefs or their widows and a slew of former department heads.

The highest pension - $242,000 - goes to former Police Chief Earl Sanders. He got a $20,000 bump this year, thanks to a cost-of-living increase.

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