Friday, February 05, 2010

A challenge to conservatives

Given that liberals have such an infatuation with trains; so much so that they're willing to blow billions of scarce taxpayer dollars on them. I'm throwing out a fundraiser to all conservatives for a cause.

Let's pay for any liberal with this train fetish to go to to Thomas and Friends function........

It’s a wall-to-wall Thomas The Train celebration the entire month of February at EnterTRAINment Junction in West Chester.

The world’s only train-themed family entertainment center will celebrate “Everything Thomas” throughout February, saluting the kids’ mega-star Thomas (the most famous tank engine in the world) and his friends with Thomas train layouts, walk-around character, storytelling, sing-a-longs, videos, scavenger hunts, and crafts. Plus, all Thomas merchandise in the Main Street gift shop will be discounted to the lowest prices of the year.

The “Everything Thomas” event will be held February 2-March 1. Special pricing is $12.99 per person and includes all of the Thomas activities plus the world’s largest model train display, kids’ interactive play area, the American Railroading Museum, expo center, and the seasonal walk-through maze experience reminiscent of an amusement park fun-house.
EnterTRAINment Junction is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. and noon-6 p.m. Sundays (closed Wednesdays January through April.)

“It will be Thomas & Friends everywhere you look,” said EnterTRAINment Junction General Manager Bill Balfour. “Thomas the Tank Train and all his friends are among the best-loved and most enduring icons for children today, and the entire Thomas event fits perfectly with our train-themed family entertainment center.”

Maybe if we can send a liberal to a fun packed day with Thomas and Friends they'll give up on their obsession with choo choo's across the country.

But then again, they do have a five year old's mentality so we'll probably have to deal with some Bob the Builder infatuation after that.


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