Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Why I hate republicans

I don't follow state politics as much as I should. Apparently, I need to start.

About 40 protestors - many of them from the Tea Party movement, others activists in social conservative causes - stood outside Ohio Republican Party headquarters in downtown Columbus, angry over what was going on inside - the formal endorsement of Yost for auditor by the state party's central committee.

The Tea Party people and the social conservatives were angry for two reasons. One is that the Yost-Morgan primary contest pitted two conservatives they like against each other. The other is that the Yost switch gives DeWine - a Republican they don't like very much - a free ride in the May 4 GOP primary for Ohio attorney general.

Let me put this to the Ohio GOP as succinctly as I can. I wouldn't vote for a DeWine if they were running against the ghost of Howard Metzenbaum.

These guys are the scum you have to bleach off of your toilet bowls.

That's my GOP endorsement for the day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordon. Thank you for this post. There are very many conservatives that feel the same way about the Dewines. they are sellouts. This is where the tea party needs to show it's metal. We must have the discipline to vote down the dewine types in the primaries. I heard a prominent republican last week say that the republicans want to bring the Tea Party on board. Screw that. We need to show the republican party that they are the ones that need to get on board.

I for one am sick of the shit (voinovich I'm looking in your general direction) that the republican party serves up as candidates. I don't want to have to pick between a dewine and a dem in November. I'm almost as likely to vote for the dem just so we don't taint the right side of the political spectrum with the stench of another dewine.