Wednesday, March 24, 2010

She's the enemy

Yesterday, I continued to stew over the health care bill and it got no better when I met with two different clients back to back.

The first meeting was with Stella. Stella is worth in excess of six million dollars.

She's a retired school teacher who's simply scrimped and saved and paid attention to her investments.

Let's examine Stella's life

1) She was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her family lived in Newport Kentucky during the depression where they got to participate in the annual floods along the river.

2) She's a retired school teacher.

3) She's partially disabled (one leg is significantly shorter than the other).

4) My guess is that she's probably never spent a nickel on alcohol or tobacco. Her last drink was in the communion line at church.

5) I know that she and some of my other elderly clients go to Bob Evans after Sunday mass. Probably her only dining out experience during the week.

6) She's lived in the same 1100 square foot home for the past 46 years.

7) I'm guessing that she probably spends less than $500 a year in clothing.

Contrast that to The Moron's.

The Moron's are a couple comprised of a staff MD at a local hospital and a VP for a local consumer products company. Here's a list of their qualities.

1) They left Las Vegas because of his job. Their combined income is in excess of $300,000 plus. They just abandoned their home because they were upside down on the mortgage.

2) Half of our meeting was spent addressing their relationships He can claim his kids this year, she cannot. One kid they're still fighting over custody with an ex. During our meeting, I thought they were auditioning for a reality show.

3) She's defaulted on $300,000 in student loans and they intentionally forced their withholding so they wouldn't have a refund which would be confiscated by the feds for the delinquent student loan(s). The good news is that she'll soon be in a "program" set up by the feds to get some relief on her payments.

4) Looking at the Moron's appearance it's clear that they don't hurt in the fashion world and their Lexus in the parking lot was nice and clean.

5) So you would think that a couple having such financial problems would hole up in a modest four family in some decent school district for the kids. Not the Moron's, they jumped right into a land contract for a $525,000 home right here in Loveland. Keep in mind that $525K buys one hell of a lot a house in Redville.

What really bothers me is how "progressives" have constructed this health care bill so that people like Stella can pay for others health care. Why? Because she can afford it.

A long time ago, I did some math on how much I would be worth if I didn't drink or dine out. Let me tell you. The numbers were staggering. But I decided that having those extra liquid breads at Willie's was worth more to me than being a millionaire; hence I'm not one. But it would never dawn on me to ask Stella to pay for my health care because she made different choices in her life

I just wonder how many people who are without health insurance live lives like the Moron's (and the Gekko's) and would have the balls to walk up to Stella's door and and demand that she pay for their insurance because she could afford it?

How about all these liberal congress people, bloggers and union members. How many of them would go to Stella's door and demand she pay for the Moron's insurance?

We've anesthetized the process but the effect is still the same.

I'm thinking Stella should just go on a Las Vegas bender and put her six million on black. If she loses, she can expect someone else to pay for her donut hole. It sure beats being villified for the scourge of society that she is.

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