Saturday, April 17, 2010

More liberal projection - charitable giving

Nice to see Joe Biden showed his true liberal generosity once again.

You may remember Joe Biden as the guy who said paying taxes was "patriotic". I guess the same dosen't hold true for charity.

The Biden's gave a whopping $4,820 to charity last year. Taking out the $900 they gave to Goodwill in the form of old lamps and an inoperable toaster oven, that leaves them with a total of $3,920 in cash donations.

On an income of 333,182, that's a whopping 1.2%. It's even more pathetic when you consider their income is substantially higher given the free room and board they get in DC.

Hell, I gave more than that and I don't make anywhere near the dough the Biden's are pulling in.

Joe I'm going to clue you in. Most people give one percent in the change they drop in the Ronald McDonald house box at the local drive in.

I can see why liberals are always claiming conservatives are so stingy. It's their own petty support of charities they project on to others.

Review the rest of the Biden's return here.

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