Wednesday, November 10, 2010

After they get the first thing, they'll come back for the rest

I don't believe in "moderates".

In the political realm I believe there are only libertarians and socialists. Why? Because as soon as society condones the seizing of one's wealth to give to another for (name the most benevolent idea you can think of), you've create a new moral code where it's OK to take from someone if you can justify the reason.

This spills over into the social politics as well. You hear many people say they are fiscal conservative/social liberals. But again, as soon as someone can take money from one person to fund another's education they feel as though is perfectly fine to incorporate the rest of these numb nut ideas...........

They first came for the light bulbs, and I didn't speak up because I'm okay with fluorescents.

Then they came for the salt, and I didn't speak up because I have high cholesterol.

Then they came for the air conditioners, and I didn't speak up because I live up north.

Then they came for the Happy Meals, and I didn't speak up because I'm a Wendy's guy.

Then they came for the Oreos at school parties, and I didn't speak up because I'd already graduated.

Tyranny is timeless. Whether it is born of good intentions or not, seeking to deprive citizens of their autonomy and independence is not a recipe for human happiness, but rather misery.

read the rest............

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