Monday, June 11, 2007

No sweatshops allowed

Yesterday, Gordon and Gordon's girlfriend went to Yellow Springs Ohio, home of Antioch College and the last bastion of Ohio hippiedom, for a bike ride along the bike trail.

After a ride along the trail, we went into a couple of the shops in town. We went into this one shop where all the clothing was made of hemp. Through the haze of incense that had me flash back to my pot smoking days, I saw a bumper sticker that said "capitalist pigs must die".

I heard the clerk tell a customer about how none of their clothes were made in sweatshops.

This all seemed to be confusing to me.

First, After this woman bought a hemp purse for $40, a hemp shirt for $40, and a pair of Birckenstocks for $120.00, the clerk didn't ask this ding dong where she got her money from.

Maybe, she had two hundred bucks because she bought a Chinese TV for $100.00 less than the US. Maybe it's because she pays $50.00 a year less for a computer made in India. Maybe it's because she owns a company that has operations in Juarez Mexico.

Somehow, where she got her "blood money" didn't seem to matter to this guy who asked no questions.

But of course, he's a capitalist pig just like the bumper sticker he's was selling.

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